Good news for you Henri fans. Henri is back in town!
It took me a few times in therapy to realize that just because my book is no longer available, it's no reason not to keep on living, now is there? Of course, Henri does his living in the post-mortem style, but that's neither here nor there, is it?
To catch up, therapy was a blast. I met...a nice young female (don't tell Juicy!) who was in there for the very same thing I was. In fact, you would be amazed at this place. It's hard to tell you where it was because mortals have a different set of rules they play where geography is concerned, but let me tell you, it's not at all like therapy for mortals.
This, actually, is a place where spirits go to detox from earthly wants. It's for spirits who stay on earth too long and start feeling they are mortals, not that it's a bad thing, mind you, but we spirits have to stay non-grounded, if youknowwhattamean.
They finally released me last Sunday and I am allowed to come back for short visits. So, during this time, I will be posting on my blog and catching up with my friends and trying to find Juicy, who I think has slipped to another realm. Has anyone felt her around?
No problem. Once she senses I'm back on earth, she'll find me.
Okay, lots to do...oh, reminder, I haven't taken my book info off the blog because Henri is STILL a writer and loves his book even thought you can't order it anymore because the wretched publisher disappeared...but...therapist tells Henri to forget that and go on, so go on I must.
Nice to be back and I hope to visit all of you soon!
Henri - so nice to see you back!!! And why don't you send your book over to our publisher? You are too clever to not be available. Well, at least, you still have your blog.
Cyn, Sandy, and Millie
Welcome back mon ami. You have been missed. So if you have been gone, you have missed out on my good news. I will be doing a blog tour in the fall so maybe you can host me. Although my stories aren't ghost stories but they are mysteries of sorts - and are geared towards the children. Come on over to check me out and see what I'm talking about - E :)
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